Aconcagua 24th Dec 2017


Aconcagua Expedition

24th December 2017 – 15th January 2018

Expedition Leader: Sean James

10th January

The team trekked out from Plaza de Mulas today and arrived at Penitentes this evening. After a celebratory evening meal at Penitentes they will drive back to Mendoza tonight to the delights of a shower, great food and a comfy bed.

8th January

100 % Summit Success for Sean & the team. Today saw both our summit teams 100% successful; a great success for everyone who set out this morning at 5am local time. Sean called at 12:15 this afternoon UK time from the summit and called again this evening to say that both teams were back safe and sound at Camp Colera.

5th January

Today the team are at Camp 3 Guanacos with Carrie’s team. The weather looks clear for a few day’s time so the team will look at heading up for the summit on 7th or 8th.

27th December

The team will start the trek in to Aconcagua today, and report that all is going well.

25th December

Today is Christmas Day! Everybody has arrived in Mendoza and ready to start towards the mountain tomorrow. We all had “Xmas” dinner around the square followed by wonderful Argentinian ice cream.

Sean James

About Sean James

Sean James Sean is a technical 5.14 climber with extensive experience on the north faces of the Alps. He has previously lead and summited Broad Peak and Spanitk in Pakistan team. Other notable ascents as expedition leader includes the technical peaks of Ama Dablam, Khan Tengri, the East ridge of Mount Logan and Dych Tau in the Caucasus mountains in addition to many less technical peaks including multiple ascents of Cho Oyu, Aconcagua and many of Nepals ‘Trekking Peaks’. He has currently completed five of the ‘Second Seven Summits’ and is well motivated to climb K2 and Mt Tyree to be the first British Mountaineering to complete the seven.


Nick Ferguson · 7 years ago

Brilliant. Well done all involved. See you Monday next week Tom.

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