Aconcagua Expedition News 16th December 2011


Leaders: Mark Scales & Kieran Hodgson + Local Guides Leandro and Agustin

Team: Paul Gr, Rachel W, Karen S, Diana T, Rony M, Paul Gl, James R, John C, Dominic G, Adrian C, Alexandra S, Nicholas R, Simon L, Emma L, Paul M, Marc C, Catharine S, Ludwig H, James W, Ali L

2nd Jan: Aconcagua’s Summit was reached on New Year’s Eve by the team below, with others turning back at various other points shown. Good weather to start with deteriorated to white out conditions on the summit.

All expect to be back in Mendoza on the evening of 3 January.

Paul Gr
Paul M
Paul G
Catherine S
Adrian C
Marc C
James W
Ludwig H
Alexandra S

Cave 6700m
Karen S
Diana T
James R

Independence Hut 6300m
John C
Nicholas R
Simon L
Emma L
Alison L
Rony M

Started but returned to camp
Dominic G

Base camp
Rachel W

30th Dec: The team are now in position at camp 2 and have had a rest day today. Rachel decided to head back down to base camp before the final carry. The rest of the team are planning to make their summit attempt tomorrow, while the weather looks reasonable.

25th Dec: The team are back at base camp and will move up to camp 1 tomorrow. They will then establish camp 2 and then make their summit bid from there.

22nd Dec: The team arrived into base camp on the 22nd and had a rest day yesterday. Today they have their first load carry to Camp 1. The team are in good spirits and are looking forward to the Christmas celebrations. The AP team would like to wish all the team and their families a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

21st Dec: After a bit of chaotic chasing with the airlines all the clients kit eventually turned up on the evening of the 18th. The remaining members and Mark arrived at Penitentes at 2am on the 19th where they were reunited with the rest of the group. They all trekked to Pampa de Lenas yesterday and are heading up to Casa de Piedra today. All the team are fine and are enjoying the journey into base camp.

19th Dec: There were some delays with flights and luggage but all the team should have arrived in Mendoza last night.

12th Dec: The team are departing for Mendoza on several flights and will finally all be together on the 18th.

Mark Scales

About Mark Scales

Mark is an MIC who spends his winters running courses in Scotland. He is an active climber both in the UK, Europe and further afield. He is passionate about introducing and coaching people in all aspects of climbing and mountaineering.


ollie · 13 years ago

Massive congrats Glasgow. cant wait to hear all about it.

Paul Glasgow · 13 years ago

Well done Paul!

Jim Glasgow · 13 years ago

Are there any photos linked to the Aconcagua climb that reached the summit on New Years Day

Anne Schneider · 13 years ago

Please could you pass on this message to Alexandra Schneider who is doing the Aconcagua expedition now:

Lots of love and good luck . We think of you a lot. Mummy

Sam C · 13 years ago

What's the news from the team??

Ross Wilson · 13 years ago

Just a note to jamie wood to say merry christmas and hope the climb is going well.
Love from Ross and bex

Ollie · 13 years ago

Will be thinking of you Glasgow on Xmas day and wishing I was there with you. Matterhorn in July!

Christina Reed · 13 years ago

Any GOOD news with regards to Nick Reed's kit bag? Poor Nick! Christina (The Wife!)

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