Aconcagua Expedition - November 2016


Aconcagua Expedition – 26th November 2016

Expedition Leader: Carrie Gibson


15th December

Aconcagua Summit Success for Team 1

Adventure Peaks’ first Aconcagua Expedition of this season has been successful due to the perseverance of the team and its leaders in finding a way through the heavy snow and high winds. We pushed things to the end to capture the only two good days that allowed a move up to high camp and a final summit push. We had spent our three scheduled summit days waiting for a window, so it turned into a marathon journey back to the road head and a rush to the airport BUT it was with summit success under our belts and a lot of broad smiles! Our team was the only one to push for this slim summit chance and we did it, well done to the team!!

Adventure Peaks’ second expedition leaves this weekend, however it is not too late to join one of our remaining expeditions. We still have a few places available departing on

Team 3 – 28th Dec 2016

Team 4 – 2nd Jan 2017

Team 5 – 7th Jan 2017

Team 6 – 21st Jan 2017

All teams are supported by porters and very experienced leaders. Read more

The team are now on their way back home, but here are some of the pictures from their adventure.

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14th December

The team reached Camp Colera yesterday afternoon in very challenging conditions. No other teams are at camp, so they will have the summit day to themselves. They set off around 5am this morning local time. The winds were relatively calm but due to the amount of unconsolidated snow still around the team are under no illusions that it is going to be a very challenging summit day. We wish them well and look forward to hearing how they got on when they are back down to Plaza de Mulas.

13th December

The team are packing up Camp 3 and moving up to Camp Colera today, and intend to head for the summit in the early hours tomorrow. It was very windy yesterday and there are still strong winds higher up today, but it is due to calm down later so should be fine for tomorrow. There’s still lots of snow and the views are absolutely stunning.  – Can’t wait to see the photos!

11th December

There has been lots of snow on Aconcagua, meaning the team stayed at Camp 1 on Friday. Yesterday they were able to move up to Camp 3 Guanachos in very deep snow. It was a long hard day, taking them 6 hours to get to the col, but it is very scenic with the snow. Carrie said it’s the most beautiful she has ever seen the mountain. The team are all happy and safe at Camp 3 now so will rest and acclimatise at there before working out the best day for weather to move up to Camp Colera for their summit bid.

6th December

The team moved up to Camp 1 today. They had a very blustery night at base camp last night, but the weather is calming down as the week progresses. Camp 1 is reasonably well sheltered with stone walls built to protect the tents around the camp. Tomorrow the team will make their first acclimatisation walk to Camp 3 Guanachos at 5450m.

5th December

The team had a challenging day on their first acclimatisation walk up to Camp 1 on the 3rd Dec., but all the team made it up and down and were glad of the welcoming meal by our cook at base camp that evening. The 4th was another rest day for the group before the start to move up the mountain. Today Carrie called in to check the weather forecast and they have decided to sit tight until tomorrow while the winds are fairly strong high up. The forecast does look better for tomorrow, so the team will move to Camp 1 then.

1st December

Carrie has called in from Base Camp today. The weather has been really good on the trek in. The penitentes are lower down than usual, near to Base Camp, and there’s snow down to Camp 1. The new Base Camp set up is comfortable and the team are looking forward to a relaxed rest day there tomorrow.

29th November

The team have enjoyed a pleasant day’s trekking to Pampa de Lenas today and are looking forward to the Mulateer’s BBQ this evening. Tomorrow they will head further up the Vacas valley to the confluence with the Relinchos valley at Casa de Piedra and will arrive into Plaza Argentinas base camp on the 1st December.

28th November

The team are all set and ready to go!


27th November

Mendoza Airport is currently closed and the downside of that is a longer journey than normal for the group as we transfer by bus from Santiago to Mendoza. The upside was getting to see the mountains as we travelled along and going up the 26+ zigs or zags which I’m not sure my photo will do justice for but was pretty impressive, just wish I’d brought the bike!  We’ll be sorting National Park permits tomorrow.



Carrie Gibson

About Carrie Gibson

Carrie Gibson has traveled on many of our expeditions including Everest North Ridge, Denali, Aconcagua, Kilimanjaro, Elbrus, Island Peak & Ama Dablam. Carrie is also the first British woman to summit Himlung Himal.

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