Alpine Tien Shan

By Adventure Peaks
August 16, 2013

Leader and updates: Martin Barnett

16th August: Martin called from Lake Issy Kul – the team  have joined up with our other expeditioners from Khan Tengri and they’re all happy and relaxing by the Lake, ready to head off tomorrow back to Bishkek and then home.

Departed 3 August 2013


Leader and updates: Martin Barnett

14th August: Martin called from Madadir, having flown out by helicopter today from Base Camp a couple of days early. There has been a lot of snow over the past few days, covering the crevasses and restricting the amount of climbing that could be done. However the group are all happy with what they have achieved and learnt on the expedition, and appreciate that ultimately the mountains and the weather rule and mere mortals have to accept this!

They will be back in Karakol tomorrow and may be able to sneak a night in on the shores of Issy Kul lake on the way back to Bishkek!

12th August: We’ve received word via our agent that the team are currently in base camp sitting out some very bad weather. Heavy snows have thwarted any summit attempts and we believe this is also limiting communications via the sat phone.

7 August 2013: Martin rang to report that the team members now all have their correct bags – which is always a blessing! They flew into Base Camp this morning and have amazing views of Khan Tengri to gaze on. They’ve been working on their skills and will continue to do so tomorrow. The weather is great at present, as is the food and everyone is happy.

4 August 2013: Martin phoned from Karakol to say everyone has arrived safe and well, if a little tired, after a long flight followed by a long drive along the north shores of Issy Kul Lake. Two peoples bags did not make it out of Moscow so they are hoping that they will arrive on the next flight and catch up with the group before they make the 6 hour drive out to Maidadir tomorrow.


Antoinette Martin · 12 years ago

Utterly jealous I'm not out there with you guys but glad to see its going well and the weather is good for you!

Vickie Luth · 12 years ago

Martin. I hope your climb goes well and you all will be safe. Your new cuz Vickie Luth

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