Borneo Exped 28th July 18

By Adventure Peaks
August 10, 2018
Borneo-July-18-PK (12)

Borneo 3 Peaks Expedition

Departed 28th July 2018

Leader: Phil Kirk

10th August

The group had a fantastic trip to Turtle Island, and are now back in Kota Kinabalu about to go for a final meal.

We arrived on Turtle Island mid morning, and spent most of the day chilling on the beach, enjoying not walking up hill, and snorkelling among the coral close to the shore. The sea was warm and pleasant, and the sea full of wildlife – from tropical fish and tiny lobster-like creatures, to giant clams with lips of a vivid blue. We shared the beach with giant monitor lizards longer than me. After dinner we waited for the call to say that the mother turtles were coming ashore to lay. So as not to disturb the turtles we had to stay away until the laying process had begun, as otherwise we might scare them away, but once they start they go into a trance and we can watch them lay. As the mother laid the eggs into the hole that she had dug the ranger lifted them into a bucket to move to a safer location where they would incubate for the next few weeks. Once she was finished the ranger tagged her, measured her, and removed the barnacles from her head before letting her go. Later that night we returned to the beach with some of the hatchlings that had hatched that day. Once they were laid out on the sand the tiny little turtles scuttled down the beach and into the sea.

The next morning, after watching the sun rise, we took a boat back to the mainland, and went onward to Sepilock Orangutan Sanctuary where we watched the juveniles eat their breakfast and play on the the ropes. We then flew back to Kota Kinabalu to have dinner, and we’ll fly home in the morning.

6th August

We’ve had an update and great shots of the group’s latest adventures in Borneo.

After arriving at camp at the bottom of the Singua trail on Friday, early Saturday morning we started our trek up to base camp for Mount Trus Madi. The trail started at 600 and was generally wide and gentle as it followed a former forestry track, and we made good progress – hardly slowed at all by the onslaught of leaches we were subjected to! As we got closer to the camp the trail became steeper and more rugged, until we reached our base for the night at 1800m.

The next day we were up before dawn to watch a spectacular sunrise from camp. The cloud level was low, and soon we were in it, making the rainforest very atmospheric. The trail weaved through the thick jungle, forcing us to crawl below numerous fallen trees and low hanging vines.

On the way we passed many of the insectivorous pitcher plants which the area is famous for, as well as numerous orchids, exotic insects, and even a snake. In many places the trail was so steep we had to use the in-situ ropes and ladders to navigate the steep cliffs of mud and leaves, but eventually we reached the summit.

We descended down a different route, making a full traverse of the summit ridge. The journey was long and faily rough going over similarly difficult terrain. After four hours we reached the trail head, and after a quick de-leach, jumped into a 4×4 for a 2 1/2 hour journey back to civilization.

Today we are relaxing in Kota Kinabalu, and tomorrow we start our ascent of Mount Kinabalu.

2nd August

We’ve just got back to the Marriott from camp 5. The journey up there was exciting, you really feel like an adventurer travelling up river through the jungle on a small wooden boat powered by an outboard, jumping out to push when the river gets too shallow. Clearwater and wind caves were not as spectacularly big as deer cave, but still really interesting. We then trekked for a couple of hours to camp 5, braving the leaches and ants.

On Wednesday we got up early to make an ascent up the gunung API pinnacles, but due to the heavy rain the park authorities turned everyone round at the half way point. Soaking wet we returned to the camp and waited for the skies to clear. When they did a few of us went back out into the jungle. Venturing off the path, beating out way through the trees, we came across a solitary limestone pinnacle in the middle of the trees, around 10 meters high. On one side was a small cave, which gave access to the upper levels. There, along with some old pottery, we saw a stack of human skulls – trophies of a head hunter from the 1800s.

Today we travelled back to the Marriott, and this afternoon we fly to Kota Kinabalu, from where we will travel to our first camp for Mount Trusmadi tomorrow.

30th July

We’ve had an update through from Phil and the team: Today was a really good day – we arrived in Mulu, and after checking in went to the Mulu National Park where we did a canopy walk, then visited Lang Cave. After exploring Lang, we went into the dramatic Deer Cave, the scale of which is truly unbelievable (check out the size of the people in the centre of the photos!) – you really feel like you are entering a lost world.

On our way back we saw a beautiful green viper and some giant stick insects. We are now relaxing in the swanky Mulu Marriott. Tomorrow we head up river to visit some more caves before trekking through the jungle to our first camp.

29th July

The group has arrived safely in Miri and are looking forward to starting their adventure.


James Stone · 7 years ago

Looks to be a fascinating and varied trip. Nice photos!

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