Snow Leopard Challenge


It started in the old Soviet Union times and became the ultimate challenge for alpinists….to climb all Soviet peaks over 7000 metres; Peak Lenin, Korzhenevskaya, Ismoil Somoni, Khan Tengri and Peak Pobeda. Those who managed to summit the five Central Asian giants were awarded the Snow Leopard Award. Today it has been completed by less than six hundred mountaineers, none of them British. Adventure Peaks is offering all five; three peaks are located in the Pamirs and two in the Tien Shan. They can be climbed individually or in combinations as described below. Read more about The Snow Leopard Challenge.

The Snow Leopard Challenge
The Snow Leopard Challenge


Grade: 5D
It started in the old Soviet Union times and became the ultimate challenge for alpinists….to climb all Soviet peaks over 7000 metres; Peak Lenin, Korzhenevskaya, Ismoil Somoni, Khan Tengri and Peak Pobeda.
Peak Pobeda
Peak Pobeda


Grade: 5D

30 Days With Flight
The most demanding of the Russian Snow Leopard Challenge.
Peak Lenin
Peak Lenin


Grade: 2D

24 Days With Flight
Peak Lenin is a spectacular 7000m peak offering incredible views of the Pamirs.
Peak Korzhenevskaya
Peak Korzhenevskaya


Grade: 3C

23 Days With Flight
Peak Korzhenevskaya is a great choice for your first 7000m peak and one of the Russian Snow Leopard.
Khan Tengri
Khan Tengri


Grade: 4D

23 Days With Flight
Khan Tengri is one of the world’s most beautiful peaks and the jewel of the Tien Shan. Can be combined with the Kyrgyz Unclimbed expedition.
Ismoil Somoni
Ismoil Somoni


Grade: 4C

33 Days With Flight
The highest 7000m peak of the Russian Snow Leopard (aka Peak Communism).
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