Elbrus expedition - departed 21st July

By Adventure Peaks
August 04, 2016

Updates and Leader: Paul Cammack
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4th August

Lyana, Vladimir and Viktor treat Paul to Lunch in Cheget. First we caught the Forelle (Trout), then they were cooked over an open fire. Finally, we ate the delicious result.

Lunch in Cheget

Lunch in Cheget

29th July
Elbrus South Team 21/07 – Rebecca and Mario summited at 09.30 this morning in perfect conditions.

Jasmine turned back at 5200m with a respiratory issue. All are now back in Cheget sunburnt and weary. And, as I write this, are revelling in the superb hotel showers.

22nd July
Rebecca, Mario and Jasmine summited Mukal 24/07. Now preparing for the journey up to the barrels. Weather excellent at the moment, so all looking good.

21st July
Rebecca and Paul landed on time in Mineralyn Vody, only to find Mario and Jasmine were going to be delayed until the evening. Lyana has saved the day by laying on an extra transfer. Rebecca and Paul then survived a white knuckle ride on Russian roads to safely arrive in Cheget. What will tomorrow bring??

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