Island Peak Expedition 2016


Island Peak Departed 20th October  – Leader Giles Ruck 

Read the full Trip Report here

2nd November

We enjoyed a mostly downhill trek from Pangboche to Namche Bazaar today. I met with a family I’m supporting in Pangboche, to provide for their son’s education when he reaches school age.

En route we stopped at Tashi Sherpa’s Ama Dablam Lodge. She is a bit of a legend in the area and kindly to let us visit her personal Buddhist shrine, a beautifully and intricately decorated room within her lodge. This was a rare opportunity and the group was treated to her explanation of some of the symbolism, followed by her bestowing a Karta (prayer scarf) on each of us, via her prayer chant giving great karma for the path ahead in our lives.

Our trek undulated along a stupendous balcony with views back to Ama Dablam and the upper Khumbu and down the valley toward Lukla. As we approached Namche Bazaar we spotted wildlife such as the Himalayan Thar and also our first flowers, lovely to see after a long weekend in the arid and glacial montane region.

On Thursday we will complete our trek to finish in Lukla, perhaps five to six hours’ steady walking (with a sting in the tail, uphill at the end … ouch!). We plan to fly out of Lukla on Friday morning, so wish us well in the ‘Lukla Lottery’, hoping for clear skies for the flights to operate back to Kathmandu. All being well we’ll have a day and a half of rest, sightseeing and a more varied menu(!) before flights home on Sunday.


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31st October – Summit Success!

Following ‘breakfast’ on Sunday at midnight, we set off at 1:00am for our Island Peak summit bid. The night was cold, clear and starry – with a great weather forecast ahead.

Unfortunately Ady felt dizzy two hours in and turned back for camp along with one of our Sherpas, Sonam. Rachel, Johannes, Mark and Frank made it up to the magical 6,000m mark around 7:30am with amazing views and decided to call it a day there, just before the fixed lines to the summit (another two hours up). They descended during the morning with another amazing Sherpa, Kunga.

Jack, Matthew, Craig, Ali, Georg and Giles summited with Lakpa Sherpa around 9:30 am – chuffed to have made it to the top and we enjoyed fabulous views, including the Lhotse ridge and Ama Dablam.

After a tough but fantastic day we then headed down the valley from basecamp to Chukkung for dinner and long awaited sleep!

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27th October

Two fabulous days from Namche Bazaar, a visit to Thyangboche monastery, several bakeries, an overnight in Deboche and now we’re in Dingboche for two nights. On Friday we’ll go for an acclimatisation hike up to around 5,300m or so and sleep back at 4,400m. Everyone says Namaste and all are doing well. Giles.

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25th October

Giles has sent us a few more photos from their rest day in Namche Bazaar.

We had a great morning with an acclimatisation hike up to the famous Everest View Hotel. The clouds parted long enough for stunning views of Everest, Lhotse and Ama Dablam. Now back in Namche Bazaar for pizzas, coffee and rest.


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24th October

Giles has sent us the following update from Namche  Bazaar.

Island Peak group are going strong. Taking it steady on the trail, enjoying the Khumbu. Now up in Namche Bazaar, roughing it at the Everest Bakery. Between us we’ve probably sampled all the cakes and pastries … just to be sure ?

We’re looking forward to a short day on Tuesday, a couple of hours up to the Everest View Hotel, just to check the standard of cappuccino (as well as to help the acclimatisation process). I’m worried my group might grow accustomed to this treatment …. just rice and lentils after Pangboche!


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23rd October

Group photo in Kathmandu before heading up to the mountains


Giles Ruck

About Giles Ruck

Giles Ruck is a safe, friendly and competent leader, with nearly 30 years’ experience working, leading and journeying outdoors. International experience of the greater ranges and other expeditions such as Mount Everest, Ama Dablam, Tharpa Chuli, Aconcagua, Tatras, Atlas Range, Mount Kenya.


Susan Simpson · 8 years ago

Well done all of you. Great to see all the photos.
Enjoy the trek back.

jennifer_seymouris · 8 years ago

Congratulations!! Photos are fantastic. Glad to hear the no training technique paid off Craig! George is glad he sat this 'walkie' out. Enjoy the descent, see you soon.

Ian and Jackie Paterson · 8 years ago

well done everyone Looks amazing Following where you are every day What an achievement for you all Have a great time coming down I bet it was worth every minute See you soon Craig
Love Craigs Mum and Dad and of course George x

Teresa Onions · 8 years ago

Well done everyone for reaching your peak - however high that was. Fabulous to see the photos and see the views. Enjoy your down time! A great achievement!

Ian and Liz Murgatroyd · 8 years ago

Hi All,

Well done for a fantastic effort. Great to see all the photos, the views looked stunning. Treat yourselves at the bakery on the way down

Teresa Onions · 8 years ago

Hi Giles
Great to see the photos and to hear you are having a challenging time in the Bakery!
I am Rachels mum

Message for the Simpsons - dad says you owe us £6-50 for a dog tag! Glad to see you are at the cutting edge of Nepalese cuisine. Have fun. And enjoy the lentils from hereon!! ?

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