Khan Tengri & Tien Shan Unclimbed Peaks 21st July 2012

15th August: Whilst preparing for their summit push on Khan Tengri, the team received a weather forecast via Satellite phone that excessive snow was expected for the summit day, up to 30cm. With the difficulties and risks that this would bring, a group decision was made to descend from the mountain. Everyone arrived back in Bishkek yesterday, and some of the group have decided to go the Issy-Kul Lake to relax. Well done to everyone on a good effort on Khan Tengri, and for your achievements on other peaks earlier in the expedition. We wish you all a safe journey home.

Live a mountaineer’s true dream; summit a virgin peak in the remote and beautiful region of the Tien Shan


Leaders: Christopher Mothersdale & Christopher Szymiec
Keep checking here for more updates or on our Facebook page.

15th August: Whilst preparing for their summit push on Khan Tengri, the team received a weather forecast via Satellite phone that excessive snow was expected for the summit day, up to 30cm. With the difficulties and risks that this would bring, a group decision was made to descend from the mountain. Everyone arrived back in Bishkek yesterday, and some of the group have decided to go the Issy-Kul Lake to relax. Well done to everyone on a good effort on Khan Tengri, and for your achievements on other peaks earlier in the expedition. We wish you all a safe journey home.

9th August: After the group had been up to camp one and having done a 5000m cach of gear, the group have been stuck at base camp due to snow. They are now planning to head up to camp one in morning, camp two the following day and over to camp three in preparation for a summit bid towards the middle of next week.

5th August: The weather has given perfect conditions for the helicopter to fly everyone over to Khan Tengri Base Camp where after sorting gear, the team will start heading up the mountain. This is a spectacular region for dramatic scenery and they look forward to some impressive climbing days.

30th July: Today the group have climbed a further three routes/peaks ranging from Alpine PD to Alpine D…so in total 10 new peaks have been climbed on this expedition, a fantastic result and well done to all of the team!

28th July: The group managed to climb three more peaks yesterday in fairly poor weather, but a successful day. One member decided to go for an unplanned swim as they were crossing a river on the way back to camp. He was promptly chased by the group and eventually assisted out, cold and a little shocked…but OK now and ready for the next challenge!

27th July: An update from Chris Mothersdale. The team arrived at Base camp on Tuesday in wet and windy conditions but still climbed 1 virgin peak and another on Thursday. Next day the group reached the summits of another 4 unclimbed peaks.

The weather has improved today and everyone is just getting ready to sit down for an evening meal.

23rd July: The team are now in Tamga and all is well. Julie will come in with Andrew & Adrian, all being well her kit turns up on Tuesday. The team went out for lunch before getting the final shop at the local supermarket.

We returned to the hotel for some well earned rest after several days of 4.30am starts several flights and a very busy day yesterday it was nice to just relax and catch up on a bit of shut eye.

We have much more sociable departure tomorrow leaving Osh at 8am. With a 5-6 hour drive to Peak Lenin base camp, so hopefully arriving in time for lunch. The weather forecast is looking like thunderstorms in Osh for the next two days, but just rain around Peak Lenin until Thursday, so the acclimatisation days could be wet/snowy. The rest of the week looks to be a scorcher though so for the majority of the group it’s a hot hot hot 37 Deg C. For Nuno (from Portugal) it’s nice and cool :o) Next update from Base Camp.

22nd July: The team have all arrived safely after a long flight. They enjoyed a good meal with other Adventure Peaks clients that have arrived ready for different expeditions in the area. The team will transfer to their starting point for the expedition at 9 a.m tomorrow. As Julie’s luggage did not arrive with the rest, she will wait for the next flight to arrive, which one of the other clients is also on, and once she has it she will join the rest of the team.

20th July: The team will be flying out tomorrow. Good luck to everyone and enjoy the trip.

Chris Mothersdale

About Chris Mothersdale

Chris Mothersdale has been climbing in the UK, Europe and across the world over a number of decades.  He started rock climbing in Yorkshire on Gritstone before taking on larger objectives both in the UK and abroad.  Rock climbing progressed to Ice Climbing in Scotland before climbing in the Greater Ranges in Europe, Africa, South and North America and Asia. Mountaineering has enabled him to climb on every continent and to explore many of the  the wonders of the world.



Kathryn · 13 years ago

Thankyou for the updates! Congrats to the unclimbed peaks crew, and kisses to Amer! Kathryn and Riley

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