Kilimanjaro Lemosho 28 September 17

Team and guides all set to go

Kilimanjaro Lemosho Route

28th September 2017

Leader: Nathan Hughes

6th October

Summit Success. This morning Nathan called to say the team had set off at 11pm last night to get ahead of the crowds. The night was clear and relatively windless. They reached Stella point on the crater rim at 6:40am this morning. It was much colder on the rim than it had been coming up from camp. Martin and Scott, happy with their achievement, decided to head back down to camp. The rest of the team carried on round to Uhuru Peak the highest part of the crater rim, which took a further hour. Well done to all the team. They are now back in the hotel, showered and looking forward to a celebratory meal out in the town before heading back home.

4th October

We’ve just spoken to Nathan from Barafu camp (4600m). The team are all feeling good and are enjoying the trekking, the scramble up the Baranco wall was a particular highlight yesterday which left everyone buzzing. They have had sunny, bright weather with very little wind, and no snow despite the forecast. The team of porters have been excellent and although it is a very busy season on Kili, the team have managed to secure quiet and spacious camp spots for the group away from the crowds.

They are planning to leave at midnight for the summit, so will be in touch tomorrow with news.. watch this space!

1st October

Nathan called to say the team have made it to Moir camp (4100m) and everyone is doing well and in good spirits.

28th September

Everyone has arrived safely in Moshi, all of us a little tired from flights but doing well, we met our two guides Steve and Abraham and had a good briefing and chat about what to expect over the next few days. The guys that arrived last night have spent most of the day relaxing by the pool and trying to work out what they are going to have for their last meal before heading up the mountain – important decisions! We have all just been for a brief walk around Moshi which was bustling to stock up on treat supplies, everyone enjoyed the change in culture and haggling with the local vendors.

Tomorrow we will leave Moshi to start our trek on the Lemosho route.

Expedition Leader

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