Kilimanjaro Lemosho Route expedition 2014



Team leader and updates: Carrie Gibson. Departed 3rd September
View Kilimanjaro Lemosho route details and book online

12th September: Yesterday we left top camp and headed down the Mweka trail. we arrived in camp tired but happy. this morning the porters gave us a rendition of the Kilimanjaro song before we headed to the park gates. Now the smelly mountaineers are clean and sunbathing by the pool in the lovely Impala Hotel.

11th September: They say that its not about the destination its about the journey and that’s true on many expeditions unless you all reach the destination together in which case it makes for a very emotional summit!

Everyone will have their own stories to tell of summit night but I’m happy to say at 7.15 this morning the whole team stood on the summit of Kilimanjaro. It was a cold breezy night but we are all safely back at top camp. Speak soon, Carrie

10th September: We have arrived at Barafu Camp 4600m and the team are feeling well apart from the odd slight headache. This afternoon will be an afternoon of rehydrating, sleeping and more rehydrating to prepare us for tonight’s climb. It’s blustery at the moment but looks like we should have a clear summit night (fingers crossed) we will leave for the summit around 12.00 tonight.

9th September: What a fantastic day we have had climbing the Baranco Wall and everyone feels it has been the best day so far.

The sun has been splitting the sky and we have now arrived at camp. Its pretty blustery here we are taking bets to see how long before we lose the toilet tent and we really don’t want to lose that. Everyone is well and in good spirits.

9th September: A sunny start as we left moir camp heading for the Lava Tower at 4600m. The group are getting into a nice rhythm and we were slow and steady to the top of the lava Tower.

We had stunning views across to Mt Meru, the lower slopes were draped in cloud and she stood majestically as she popped out the clouds. Unfortunately as we descended down to camp the mist closed in on us.

We have had fleeting glimpses across to tomorrow’s route to tempt us. Some of the team have started to see signs of altitude through the night but all have recovered well today.

8th September: Today we left Shira Camp in what now seems to be expected some mist we crossed the moorland and gradually we gained the height to take us to Moir Camp at 4100 the sun even camp out for the occasion and after a very tasty lunch we all went on an acclimatisation walk to about 4350 had some spectacular views and saw a lammergeyer. All back at camp feeling good.

7th September: It was another day of walking in the mist but everyone felt that wasn’t so bad as when the sun did fleeting break through it was HOT. We had a nice pace over the Shira Ridge before heading down to shira camp everyone had a good dinner and a good night sleep.

6th September: Carrie has texted in with an update on the team’s progress. Someone forgot to read the African Sunshine rule book and we saw the rainforest in true full wet style… The rain did not dampen the teams spirits however and there is a fantastic atmosphere and high jinks. The rain didn’t let up through the night but it was dry and misty when we set off today.

4th September: Our team have all arrived, and although a wee bit weary from the travelling they couldn’t wait to get on Kilimanjaro so that’s exactly what they did! last night we made a late night visit to reunite Jez and Paul with their bags, phew!

Carrie Gibson

About Carrie Gibson

Carrie Gibson has traveled on many of our expeditions including Everest North Ridge, Denali, Aconcagua, Kilimanjaro, Elbrus, Island Peak & Ama Dablam. Carrie is also the first British woman to summit Himlung Himal.


Andrew S · 10 years ago

Hi Paul and Jez Hope all is going well. Am tracking your progress, well done boys!! The boys are fine :) Lots of love from sunny icmeler! Keep up the good work. Love ange xx

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