Mera and Island Peak Expedition - November 14

Photo: Kathmandu celebrations

Leader and updates: Paul Noble. Departed 1st November 2014
View full details of our Mera and Island Peak expedition and book online

3rd November
Well that was a long day! It’s been windy today which closed the airport for internal flights off and on all day. As a result, flights were intermittent so part the team were able to fly to Lukla whilst Daniel, Lucie and me are still at Kathmandu. So the rest of the team at Lukla have all the gear and will stay there tonight, and we will all meet up tomorrow.

10th November
The team are now at Tagnang and enjoying some fine weather and good food. We’re all bonding as a team and everyone seems strong and looking forward to heading up to Khare (4850m) by crossing the fields of
debris created when the glacial lake above Tagnang burst its banks in 1988. We’ll have 2 rest days there.

11th November
It’s great weather again so the challenge is not getting burnt, but still plenty old snow around. Everybody is  doing well and enjoying the wonders of the Himalayas. Most of us had our best nights sleep so far, we even had a sleep in this morning. There has been a lot of building since I was last here and the group have found a new lodge here with chips and wi-fi. Result! We are having a rest day here tomorrow which will be spent sorting our gear with some rope training.

12th November
Despite our laziest day by far the team so far, we have managed  a rope work and crampon training today as well as large amounts of tea drinking in the sunshine!

Actually the team have bonded very well and are looking very good for working at altitude. We are aiming to get over Mera la tomorrow, then high camp, then summit 3rd day. At the moment there are high winds, but the forecast indicates these should drop over the next few days, so we will be keeping an eye on this.

15th November
A successful summit day! The team reached the summit of Mera Peak and made very good time – 4.5 hours to the summit and back from High Camp. Matthew and Gareth decided to call it a day at High Camp at 5750m but were pleased with their achievement. Everyone is now at Base Camp and Lucie and Gareth will now return to Khare, then on to Lukla and Kathmandu, whilst the others continue to Island Peak. Well done to all the team!!

17th November
Everyone is well and the weather has been ok for the last few days, although it is chilly at camp. We will be having an early night tonight as tomorrow we head over the Ambulapcha Pass on our way to Island Peak. Originally we were to have a 4a.m. start but now are relieved that it has changed to 7a.m, so smiles all round about that! We have spotted some unusual footprints which has led to a bit of a Yeti Hunt. No joy so far with this- the largest mammal we have seen since is a small stoat!

18th November
The team crossed the Ambulapcha Pass today are are now installed in their teahouse in Chukkung sampling the local brew while waiting for dinner. Crossing the pass is as much of a highlight of the trip as the two summits and they were lucky to enjoy a fine day for their crossing. It was quite icy on the descent near the top, and on the way down they came across animal tracks in the fresh snow so duly went on a wildlife hunt  – only to find one rat and one weasel (no yeti!). Paul (in a vivid dream last night) has become the president of the USA and his tent has been named the ‘White House West Wing’.
Tomorrow they will move up to Island Peak BC, where they hope to have a rest day before going for the summit – probably via high camp.

20th November
Most of the group are now at High Camp on Island Peak, Matthew is happy but has decided to remain at Base Camp. The weather has been settled so if all remains the same then the team aim to go for the summit tomorrow. They will set off at 9 a.m.- Good luck to them all!

21st November
The whole team from High Camp reached the top of Island peak early this morning. Conditions were good – just a little windy. They are now down at the Sunrise Hotel in Dingboche, celebrating (again).

25th November
Speed descent from Namche  to lukla yesterday followed by our second big party, featuring a lot of dancing with our staff. Great way to finish the exped, most of the team have now headed of home. The Kathmandu domestic airport is shut today and on Thursday but we should fly first thing Wednesday.

26th November
Well, we made it back to Kathmandu safely and are currently in Kilroys, the team are keen on an eat-a-thon!

Paul Noble

About Paul Noble


Birgitta and Julle · 10 years ago

Good luck Daniel for Island Peak,hope it goes well, see you soon,take care.Xx

Gareth Bowes · 10 years ago

Good luck with the Island Peak summit attempt today guys. Lucie arrived back home in Sydney yesterday. I've been taking it easy I'm Thamel and will be flying home tomorrow night. Looking forward to seeing all the photos in the dropbox Lucie's set up.

Lisa rice · 10 years ago

Good luck Adrian for Island Peak, hope it goes well. Lisa and Austin. X

Lisa rice · 10 years ago

Hello Adrian, trip looks fab! Weather cold and dry at home and I even saw the first Xmas tree up on our road! Austin was all excited!! Stay safe see you soon. Xx

Gareth Bowes · 10 years ago

Well done guys. Glad to hear you made it over the pass. Lucie and I arrived back in Kathmandu today after 2 1/2 days trying to get a flight out of Lukla. Keep up the good work....and find that yeti!!!!

ria powers · 10 years ago

Congratulations Adrian on conquering the summit of Mera Peak, proud of you Bro. With our love ria, steve & amy xxx

Birgitta and Julle · 10 years ago

Well done Daniel, we hope you enjoyed the views up at Mera Peak. Take Care Xx

Lisa rice · 10 years ago

Well done Adrian achieving summit at Mera Peak. Good for you. Xx

Lisa rice · 10 years ago

Good luck today on Mera Peak. Xx
Lisa and Austin
Ps Gaby had a wee boy this morning and both doing great. Xx

Lisa rice · 10 years ago

Hi Adrian, missing you as we approach the 2 week mark. Managed to find the web page updates so good to hear weather good and you have had a rest. Enjoy first summit and the beautiful views. Love from home. Xx

Anna,Jenny,Alice and Molly say.. · 10 years ago

We miss you...paul,Dad,Papee. Take care and see you soon xxxx

Birgitta and Julle · 10 years ago

Hi Daniel ,hope you enjoy it up in the big mountins , take care. Greetings from home. Mum and Dad.

Lisa and Austin · 10 years ago

Hello Adrian greetings from home. Hope you are doing ok that's 1 week you have been away now. Austin is great seems to have got bigger in a week and asking for his 'I love my daddy' book at bed time. He is also asking for every toy he sees on the telly saying 'can I have that for Xmas'? Not much news from this end other than to say all is fine. You take care and enjoy every minute. Love you. Lisa and Austin. Xx

Amy, Ria & Steve · 10 years ago

Hi Adrian, hope your having fun and getting on ok Lots of Love Amy, Ria & Steve xx

mike and scilla · 10 years ago

nice to see our daughter Lucie in the picture even though you were delayed. glad for any updates!

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