Mount Kenya

10th January 2013: The group have all arrived home now. It was a very successful trip with further successes on St Johns Peak and an attempt on Midget Peak although they had backed of due to very bad conditions. Very well done to you all!

The two highest summits of Mt. Kenya, Bation and Nelion, can be reached via a long rock climb.


Leader: Dave Kenyon

10th January 2013: The group have all arrived home now. It was a very successful trip with further successes on St Johns Peak and an attempt on Midget Peak although they had backed of due to very bad conditions. Very well done to you all!

27th December: A very muffled call came in today from Dave Kenyon today reporting that all is well except the weather has been very wet. Tonight the 3 climbers will reach the Austrian Hut while the two trekkers split off and head off round the mountain to Two Tarn camp.

2nd January 2013: Dave called from Austrian camp where he is now with the second group of climbers who today successfully reached the summits. Derek, Riaan and Dave managed both Bation and Nelion while David summited Nelion with our Kenyan guide Robin. The weather has improved and the whole team are pleased with their success.

Previously, on New Year’s Eve, Dave summited Nelion with Dolores who had managed to gain one more day by extending her stay in Kenya.


Dave Kenyon

About Dave Kenyon

Renowned as a very modest, but extremely talented rock climber as well as an accomplished guide, Dave's personal experience expands over 30 years climbing in many areas of the world including South East Asia, Asia, Africa, Madagascar, Scandinavia and extensively in Europe & the UK. Along the way he has made several first ascents over the years, a number of which have become hard modern test pieces. Based in North Wales Dave guides full time, spending a substantial amount of every year in the Alps and in between times running rock climbing courses, navigation skills and the other training necessary for safe enjoyment of the British hills.


Josep paul · 11 years ago

My comment and my recommendation We climbed Mt Kenya with your group last year. My opinion is when the weather is not good is better your clients stay in the hut On the other hand try to min mus the km from Mackinda to Naru moru gate Austrian hut is very cold hut is better thank you so much well done.

Andre · 12 years ago

Awesome Riaan! Moet fantasties wees!!

Tracey, Jim, Jack & Sam · 12 years ago

Massive Congrats again Des!!
Taking training for the Atacama Crossing to a whole new level ;-)
Well Done to all x

Tracey, Jim, Jack & Sam · 12 years ago

Massive Congrats again Des!!
Taking training for the Atacama Crossing to a whole new level ;-)
Well Done to all x

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