Mount Vinson Expedition January 2017

By Adventure Peaks
January 16, 2017

Departure: 5th January 2017

Leader: Martin Doyle

15th January 2017


Congratulations to our Guide Martin and the charity team from 65 Degrees North, who have all successfully reached the summit of Mount Vinson, the highest point in Antartica at 4892m.  A fantastic achievement, they reached the summit at 16:30 local time.

14th January

Martin phoned to say the group are at High Camp and the weather is looking good for a summit attempt tomorrow, the 15th January. The predication is now wind, so good look to the team and we wish them every success.

12th January

Martin called today to update. The team are all doing fine and are enjoying the novelty of life on Antarctica. They are now at Camp 1 and plan to carry a load up the fixed lines to Camp 2 tomorrow. The weather is due to build tomorrow but shouldn’t stop the team carrying to Camp 2. They will move up to Camp 2 after another night at Camp 1.

8th January

The team have completed preparations in Punta Arenas and will fly to Union Glacier tomorrow as planned.

Read more about our Mount Vinson Expeditions here

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