Mt Belukha Expedition 25th July 2012

We’ve just added Seans Belukha expedition video. Some awesome shots from this recent trip and well worth a watch.

beluka from ak kem lake.jpg

Leader: Sean James
Keep checking here for more updates or on our Facebook page.

9th Aug: Sean rang in today with an update. The group arrived back at Vysotnik  at 4pm today Russian time. They are relaxing at the bar before dinner and perhaps a Russian Sauna to follow! The team are tired from their long trek, but healthy and in good spirits. Tomorrow they will travel back to Barnaul before transferring to the airport. We wish them all a relaxing evening and a safe journey home.

7th Aug: After a tiring 14 hour trek down from the high base camp the team have arrived back to Ak-Kem for a well earned rest.

They are looking forward to the final 2 day trek and being collected and taken to the airport.

6th Aug: Great news from Siberia – Sean and 3 of the team have reached the summit of Mount Belukha!The weather was good with stunning views all around, and clouds far below in the valleys. Sarah decided to rest and wait for the others rather than proceed higher up the mountain but is now reunited with the group. Everyone is currently at high camp and will be heading back to Ak Kem tomorrow before their 2 day trek out. All were delighted to hear the latest Olympic news and about Andy Murray’s singles

5th August: The weather has improved fantastically and with a good freeze overnight to stabilize the rock and ice, the team have had an excellent day today moving upwards. They are now at 3600m at high camp and are going for the summit tomorrow. They’ve all asked about Team GB’s successes so far and so there is a Summit party now out in Siberia sending out cheers and best wishes for Andy Murray’s tennis finals today! We wish our team all the best for their Summit attempt tomorrow and we will keep track of the weather and their progress throughout.

3rd August: The team have had an easy day today practicing rope skills and crampon and axe techniques. It is raining – but no sympathy for them here with the weather we are getting in the UK! They plan to ascend to High Camp tomorrow and summit on Sunday. The weather is set to improve so are fingers are crossed for them.

2nd August: Sean has called on the Sat phone to report they have trekked up to Tomski Nochevki (3000m). It was a long day carrying heavy loads of food for the next 3-4 days. The Trek had a 1000m ascent and took 10 hours but everyone is well and relaxing now.

They will be at this camp for the next 2 days practicing ropework and ice skills on the glacier before moving up to the high camp on the glacial Berelskoye Saddle. Looking at a Summit attempt in the next 3 days.

1st August: The group are back at Ak Kem BC, having ascended 1000m to some small lakes as an acclimatisation walk today. They have prepared all the food and equipment for the next few days and tomorrow will be heading up the mountain, hoping to reach the summit Sat or Sun. Everyone is well and coping with the altitude and the weather remains good. Then scenery is stunning, and there are quite a lot of Russian tourists in the area horse riding and rafting.

31st July: Sean called to say the group are all well and are at Ak-Kem base camp (2000m) and have been up to 2500m on an acclimatisation walk. Tomorrow they will be undertaking another acclimatisation walk.

29th July: The group are making good progress towards Base camp having done an 18k and 12k day through stunning scenery of rolling hills and forest, currently at 2,200m . It is a great trek in the middle of nowhere, just what ‘Siberia’ conjures up in your head. The group are being supported by horses carry the gear and it will be another day before they reach base camp…the group are eagerly awaiting their first views of Mt Beluka!

27th July: Sean has called to say the group are all back together now as the final team members have arrived and are back on schedule.

It’s perfect weather there and they arrived after travelling down the river on a 3 hour raft ride while the bags travelled by horse. Tents are up and everyone is happy and just about to eat.

26th July: Sean just phoned from Siberia…..first group have arrived safely in BC which he described as fabulous, with Alpine Style huts/chalets and very scenic. The group are being fed extremely well with lots of home produce, fresh bread and ultra fresh home made jam. Quite a bit of Basketball and Volleyball going on between groups which makes for good international relations and a pleasant way to relax after today’s six hour road journey. The remainder of the group will arrive at BC late tonight.

24th July: The team will be flying out tomorrow. Good luck to everyone and enjoy the trip.

Sean James

About Sean James

Sean James Sean is a technical 5.14 climber with extensive experience on the north faces of the Alps. He has previously lead and summited Broad Peak and Spanitk in Pakistan team. Other notable ascents as expedition leader includes the technical peaks of Ama Dablam, Khan Tengri, the East ridge of Mount Logan and Dych Tau in the Caucasus mountains in addition to many less technical peaks including multiple ascents of Cho Oyu, Aconcagua and many of Nepals ‘Trekking Peaks’. He has currently completed five of the ‘Second Seven Summits’ and is well motivated to climb K2 and Mt Tyree to be the first British Mountaineering to complete the seven.


Jean E Thomson · 13 years ago

Well done to the team, good decision Sarah (you've maybe saved Jean a heart attack). We've got a golden postbox in Dunblane now for Andy! Enjoy the rest of it, Julie

Jean E Thomson · 13 years ago

Wow. Just you take care Sarah and Jacqui. Sounds awesome. xxx

terry james · 13 years ago

thanks for the reports sounds great
love mum and dad x

joan · 13 years ago

Hi Jacqui and Sarah
Sounds like you're having a good time. Love Joan

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