Muztagh Ata 23rd July 2011 Expedition News

Muztagh Ata

A Chance to Climb Over 7500m With Minimal Technical Difficulty

Leader: Di Gilbert
Read full details of our Muztagh Ata expedition and book online

Team: James M, Mari V, Duncan M, Christopher H.

14th Aug – The team planned to leave in the early hours of Sunday morning, however thunder, lightening, strong winds and snow put a stop to that. So the team decided to wait until the storm had abated. Eventually at 10:00hrs on Sunday morning the team finally made their way up from Camp 3 in their bid to reach the summit of Muztag Ata. The route required lots of trail breaking which is extremely hard work at that altitude, Chris and Duncan turned around at 7150m and returned to camp. Di and James battled on braving full Scottish conditions and reached the summit at 18:30hrs. All the team are now back down safe at Camp 3 with jelly legs – a hard day indeed. Well done to all the team. They will now clear all the camps from the mountain and leave base camp for Kashgar in the next couple of days.

11th Aug – Mari has stayed down at base camp, the rest of the team are now settled in at Camp 1 on their final push up the mountain for their summit bid this weekend.

10th Aug – Di has called in to say that the team aim to move back up to Camp 1 tomorrow with a plan to summit on Sunday, weather permitting. They have had quite a blustery day at BC today, but feeling much better for a decent nights sleep at lower altitude. All the team are fine and looking forward to the summit bid.

9th Aug – The team have decided to descend back down to base camp in some grotty weather so they can get a couple of decent nights rest at lower altitude. At the moment they are looking at Sunday or Monday as a potential summit day.

8th Aug – Di called in today to give the latest team progress. Mari is now back down at base camp where she will wait for the rest of the team. The rest of the group have now carried to  Camp 3 and are now planning to rest before they make there summit attempt later in the week. The weather was quite mixed today with snow and some buffeting by the wind. The next few days are looking to be clear sky’s but with strong winds, getting better to the end of the week. So fingers crossed they get the break they need.

5th Aug – Mari was taken ill suddenly at 6000m today en-route to camp 2. All the team descended with her back to camp 1 where she has now recovered. The rest of the team will head back up to camp 2 tomorrow.

3rd Aug – The sun has been doing it’s best to frazzle people today. mari decided to stay at camp 1 today while the rest of the team had a long day carrying to Camp 2, where they have decided to leave their snow shoes as well. The team plan to put their feet up and rest tomorrow.

2nd Aug – Mari has now arrived at Camp 1. There was a change in the weather today with no new snow. So the team decided to have a bit of snow shoeing practice. If the current weather conditions persist then the team won’t need to use them.

1st Aug – All the team except Mari have now moved up to Camp 1. Mari set off but was not feeling great so has decided to head up tomorrow morning instead. The group have enough food and fuel to last 14 days above BC. They will have a rest day tomorrow before starting to establish Camp 2 on Wednesday.

31st July – Di texted in to say they have made another snowy carry to Camp 1 today. Camp 1 is now well stocked with the exception of personal gear. The group are doing fine and looking forward to a long lie in tomorrow before heading up to Camp 1 in the afternoon.

30th July – Di emailed in to say they have had a snowy carry to camp one today. The real estate is premier at camp 1!  There was a little rain this afternoon, the team is also celebrating Mari’s birthday today on the mountain eating lots of cake.  Happy birthday to Mari from all at Adventure Peaks

29th July – Di called in today. The team are now having a leisurely day at base camp after all their travelling. They are sorting kit ready for their next few days of load carrying to camp 1. The weather over the last few weeks has been unsettled, last night they had the most amazing thunderstorm which brought with it some snow. However the morning sun has now melted that all away. Over the next three days they will make all their carries to camp 1 in readiness for moving further up the mountain.

28th July – The team have now arrived at base camp after their trek from Subashi.

27th July – The team crossed the border into China and arrived in Kashreached Kasgar on the 26th. Two very long days on the road but relatively hassle free at the customs point.

Today they will swap the minibus for camels to carry their kit while they trek in to base camp. The past 2 weeks has seen unseasonal unsettled weather.  The route seems to be changing daily due to snow conditions.

All the team are in good spirits.

24th July – In 2008, Kyrsystan had a population of 5.2 million – there are probably a few more now.

Having sat on one’s behind for the past 5.2 million hours we have finally arrived in Bishkek – the capital city – for one day as our journey to Muztag Ata continues.

We now have another 5.2 million hours ahead of us sitting on one’s behind on a minibus as team Adventure Peaks pootle south. – Di Gilbert

Muztag Ata meaning ‘The father of ice mountains’, rises out of China’s vast Taklimakan Desert in the Xinjang Province of China.

21st July – The team will depart for Bishkek in Kyrgyzstan on the 23rd July and then travel overland to enter China.

Di Gilbert

About Di Gilbert

Di Gilbert works full time as an Independent Mountaineering Instructor, based in the Cairngorm National Park. She has never had a proper job and it is unlikely that this will change now. Di has stood on the bottom of the world without falling off, she has stood on top of the world without suffering from vertigo, she has climbed the world's 7 summits and completed all 282 Munros.


Derek boggan · 14 years ago

It's miss Gilbert's birthday on Saturday the 8th!! Happy birthday Di. And good luck to all the team. Derek.

Joan Gilbert-Stevens · 14 years ago


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