Muztagh Ata Expedition News 1st August 2009

Muztagh Ata

The Team Leader : Dave Pritt
Read full details of our Muztagh Ata expedition and book online

Team: David Hughes, Per Nordvang, Kunal Sharma, Ray Tennant, George Atkinson, Craig Wood

21st August – Dave called in today the team are now back down at base camp having made their summit attempt on Muztag Ata. Sabrina managed to reach the summit on her skis, Per got to 7300m before deciding to turn around, Ray reached 7200m, Craig decided not to attempt the summit, George had a bit of a stomach bug on summit morning so had to turn round 5 minutes after leaving camp, and David decided to head back down from Camp 2 on the summit attempt. All the team are happy with their efforts. Dave reported it’s been a good trip and Muztag Ata is certainly a good stepping stone for people thinking of Everest. The team are now looking forward to the luxuries of civilization in Kashgar before heading back to Bishkek.

8th August – The team have just returned from their first carry to Camp 1 at 5400m. Everyone went well but it was a long day and they’re all looking forward to a rest day tomorrow. They then plan to move up on Monday and will probably stay up on the mountain until they summit.

7th August – Dave phoned to say the team are now settled into Base Camp.  To date, the weather has been very good, although it has become a little changeable in the last couple of days.  The plan is to do the first carry to Camp 1 tomorrow.  The team lost their solar panel on the way to Base Camp and as a result there will be limited communication from this point onwards, which will consist of short phone calls.  Each member of the group are feeling fit  and well and looking forward to the challenge ahead.

3rd August – Dave texted to say the team are now in China, having successfully crossed the border.

2nd August – The team (a very international makeup!) have now gathered together in Bishkek.  They are enjoying fabulous weather with temperatures of 30 degrees.  Many chocolate bars later (!) the local shopping is complete.  Plans to leave Bishkek today to drive to the Chinese border.  The team are all relaxed and in good spirits.

21st June – The group will depart the UK on the 1st August.

Dave Pritt

About Dave Pritt

Dave Pritt is the Director of Adventure Peaks. With over 30 years of mountaineering feats, he is a very experienced high altitude mountaineer who has led expeditions to K2, Broad Peak and five Everest expeditions. Dave has completed the 7 summits, led an expedition to Ski the South Pole Last Degree, Satopanth in India and in 2007 he guided Ian McKeever to break the world record for the seven summits in 156 days. He is lucky enough to have climbed on the majority of our advertised peaks, but the Tien Shan remains his favourite destination.

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