Aconcagua 17th December 2022

Aconcagua 17th December 2022

Aconcagua 17th December 2022

Leader: Pablo Kuntz

5th January 2023 - Team Back in Medoza

Pablo left a voice mail today to say the team are now all back in Mendoza after a very challenging summit day on Aconcagua.The team made their summit bid on the 2nd January and it took a very long time to reach the summit, battling very cold conditions and breaking trail in deep snow. The traverse from the Independancia hut to the start of the Canaletta took 4 hours, which would normally take around 1.5 to 2 hours.

27th December 2022

The team celebrated Christmas Day in base camp with a nice meal and Ian surprised the team by bringing christmas crackers with him from the UK. Today they will move up to Camp 1. The weather forecast looks good, but there will be some snow. The team are motivated and enthusiatic about the days to come leading to the summit.

25th December 2022 - Acclimatisation at Base Camp

On Christmas Eve the team climbed Colorado peak for some acclimatisation in readiness for their ascent to camp 1 on Aconcagua. Today the team have made a carry of equipment to camp 1 at 4900m. The next rotation they will move to camp 1.

22nd December 2022 - At Base Camp

The team have now reached Plaza Argentinas (4200m), Aconcagua base camp on the Vacas valley side of the mountain. Pablo says the team are doing well and enjoying the stunning views of the mountain.

First Views of Aconcagua

20th December 2022 - Trekking to Base Camp

Today the team will begin their journey to base camp heading North along the Vaccas valley and then West along the Relinchos valley. This will take three days, stopping at Pam de Lenas and Casa de Piedra along the way.

Ready For The Off

17th December 2022 - Heading to Mendoza

The team depart today for Mendoza. They will arrive in Argentina tomorrow make their final preparations and obtain their permits before heading to Penitentes on the 19th.

Pablo Kuntz

About Pablo Kuntz

Pablo is a climbing and ski guide, living and working in Argentina. He works on our Aconcagua expeditions, but has also led expeditions for Adventure Peaks to Pastore Peak in Pakistan, as well as Annapurna IV & Island Peak.


Stewart · 2 years ago

Go well guys. Be safe.

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