Aconcagua 6th January 2024

Aconcagua 6th January 2024

Aconcagua 6th January 2024

Leader: Pablo Kuntz

24th January 2024 - Summit Success

The team had excellent weather for their summit attempt, 5 of the team reached the summit, with Derek and Martin turning back at the shoulder and Romano making it to the traverse. A fantastic effort and a great day for everyone. The team the moved back down to Berlin Camp and then to Base Camp for celebrations. Today they will walk out to the road head and travel back to Mendoza.

22nd January 2024 - On their way

Last night the team camped at Berlin Camp which is slightly higher than the Colera Camp and this morning they left to go for the summit. Everyone was feeling good.

20th January 2024 - At Camp 3 Guanacos

The team have now moved up to Camp 3 Guanacos, at 5450m. They will stay here until they decide which day to head for the summit. They will then move up to Colera the day before their summit attempt.

17th January 2024 - Moving up

The team are on their way to Camp 1. This begins their move up the mountain to Camp 1 and then they will load carry to Gunacos. They will then move up to Gunacos where they will rest before moving up again to Colera which is the camp they will make their summit push from.

14th January 2024 - Up to camp 1

The team are currently on their way to camp one, this begins the load carrying to get their kit up the mountain and in the process they follow the climb high, sleep low routine to maximise their acclimaisation

13th January 2024

Today the team went to Colarado peak as part of their acclimatisation.

11th January 2024

Yesterday the team hiked to Casa de Piedra and had their first views of Aconcagua.

9th January 2024 - At the Gates

Today the team trekked in to their first camp at Pampas de Lenas

8th January 2024 - Starting Their Trek to Base Camp.

After sorting their permits in Mendoza the team will make their way up to Puente del Inca, where they will stay overnight before starting their 3 day trek to base camp. They will stop at Pampa de Lenas and Casa de Piedra in the Vacas valley, from there they will then head into the Relinchos valley to Plaza Argentias, the base camp on the Vacas side of Aconcagua, at 4200m.

Pablo Kuntz

About Pablo Kuntz

Pablo is a climbing and ski guide, living and working in Argentina. He works on our Aconcagua expeditions, but has also led expeditions for Adventure Peaks to Pastore Peak in Pakistan, as well as Annapurna IV & Island Peak.


Claire Barrass · 6 months ago

Well done so far Sid! Photos look great, hope the views are just as fantastic. Hope you guys get to summit Sunday as planned … enjoy!

Doddy · 6 months ago

Great effort lads....keep up the hard days ...looking fwd to summit pics

Alan Cook · 6 months ago

Conditions look great, good luck and enjoy Sid.

Mark Barrass · 6 months ago

Starting to see some sites now, hope the chunky pins are holding up.

Mark Barrass · 6 months ago

Looking good so far Sid.
Jealous as .....!

Mark Shearer · 6 months ago

Good luck guys and stay safe all and you will smash Matt Kennedy.

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