Alpamayo Expedition News Page 15th June 2024

Alpamayo Expedition News Page 15th June 2024

Leader - Wilder Alverado

7th July 2024 - A Final Wrap Up From The Trip

Wilder has sen through some more photos from the trip. Despite the weather not allowing the team to climb the main objective, they still had a great adventure in Peru.

3rd July 2024 - Valiant Effort

On 1st July, the team made their summit attempt, but despite their best efforts, they were thwarted by deteriorating weather conditions during their ascent. The tough but sensible decision was made to descend back to high camp. Well done to all the team. Yesterday, the team returned to base camp and will continue with their trek out towards Cashapampa today and then drive back to Huaraz this evening.

26th June 2024 - Heading to Alpamayo

Yesterday, the team drove to Cashapampa and began their four-day trek to Alpamayo high camp. The route follows the Santa Cruz valley to their first stop at the pleasant campsite of Llama Corral. After a further half-day's walk, the route splits off from the main valley and heads up to the hidden valley towards Laguna Arhuaycocha, where Alpamayo base camp is located.

25th June 2024 - Summit of Ulta Chico

The team received reports of rock fall on Huarapasca when they got back to Huaraz, so the decision was made to change the plans for their nexct summit and head to Ulta Chico, North of Huaraz. It was a big day, but a succesful one and the whole team enjoyed the climb. Below are the photos from Ishinca and Ulta Chico.

24th June 2024 - Back in Huaraz

The team arrived back into Huaraz yesterday after a successful ascent of Ishinca On Saturday. After a relaxing night in the hotel, today, they will drive to Carpa and then make their ascent of Huarapasca and then return back to Huruaz later this evening.

19th June 2024 - Arrival at Ishinca Base Camp

Today the team have trekked into Ishinca base camp, at a height of 4350m, for the next stage of their acclimatisation. Ishinca Base Camp is nestled in the valley of the beautiful surrounding peaks of Nevado Ishinca (5,530 meters), Urus (5,495 meters), and the majestic Tocllaraju (6,032 meters). Here the group will climb Nevado Ishinca, although technically straight forward, Ishinca offers a good starting point to get the team back into the swing of things, before getting onto steeper ground.

17th June 2024 - Team In Huaraz

The team are now in Huaraz after making their coach journey from Lima yesterday. Today they will have a relatively relaxing walk up to Laguna Churup, as part of their acclimatisation.

16th June 2024 - Chilling in Lima

The team have arrived into Lima and have been relaxing and doing a bit of sightseeing before they make their coach journey to Huaraz today.

4th June 2024 - Heading to Peru

The team will depart the UK for Lima on the 13th & 15th June.

Stu Peacock

About Stu Peacock

Stu Peacock is a very experienced high altitude mountaineer who has been to the Summit of Everest, Broad Peak, Cho Oyu, Manaslu and climbed on K2. His other expeditions include: Ama Dablam, Peak Lenin, Aconcagua, Khan Tengri, Tien Shan Unclimbed, Korzhenevskaya, Himlung Himal, Baruntse, Mera & Island Peak, Alpamayo, Bolivian Peaks, Spantik, Carstensz Pyramid, Elbrus, Mt Kenya and Kilimanjaro. He was the first Brit to summit Everest via the North Ridge 3 times and has climbed Everest from both the North & South sides.

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