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Leader: Rodrigo Perez
Yesterday the team climbed the Whimper summit of Chimborazo
The team reached the summit of Cotopaxi today. Nathan decided to turn round at 5350m, due to a problem with blisters. Hopefully he can treat and manage these ready for the ascent of Chimborazo.
Rodrigo has messaged to say that the team have summited on Cayambe today. Some photos from the summit day can be seen below.
The team enjoyed climbing their first volcano of the trip and were rewarded with some impressive views of Cotopaxi from across the valley, which they will be attempting in a few days time.
The team all arrived safely into Quito at the weekend. Rodrigo has reported in to say that heavy rains over the last few days has meant that access to Pasochoa has been closed. The team are undeterred and will climb Rumiñahui Volcano as an alternative.
The team will fly out to Ecuador on the 4th January.