Ecuador Volcanoes 6th January 2024

Ecuador Volcanoes 6th January 2024

Leader Rodrigo Perez

21st January 2024 - Fun in Banos

The team have been having a good time in Banos at the end of their trip, with zip lines, visiting waterfalls and sampling the local cuisine of Guinea Pig.

20th January 2024 - No Summit on Chimborazo

The team made their attempt on Chimborazo yesterday. Martin and Chloe reach 5300m, Gavin 5800m and Sam & Rebecca 5900m. Due to the weather conditions they were not able to camp and had to stay lower down as the Refuge Carrel instead, which made for a longer day, so a valiant effort given the conditions. Yesterday afternoon, they returned to Banos and have decided to stay there one more night, rather than staying in Quito. Tomorrow morning they will return to Quito to catch their international flights.

15th January 2024 - Summits on Cayambe

Rodrigo has messaged to say that yesterday morning Sam, Gavin, Rebecca & Martin reached the summit of Cayambe in very challenging conditions. Chloe reache 5350m before deciding to head back down. Today the team will go to Banos to relax and dry out all of their kit. In the afternoon, they plan to renew their energies by visitng the thermal baths.

14th January 2024 - Permit approved

The team have their permit and are on their way to Cayambe

12th January 2024 - Carihuairazo

Today the team were on Carihuairazo.

11th January 2024 - Success on Illiniza Norte

Rodrigo has sent through some more photos from the teams ascent of Pasochoa and Illiniza Norte.

9th January 2024 - Ascent of Pasochoa (4200m)

The clients had a great day on the Ascent of Pasochoa (4200m)

8th January 2024 - Team in Quito

The team have arrived safely into Quito, they will make their final preparations and then make an ascent of Pasochoa today.

6th January 2024

Our team departs the UK on the 6th of January.

About Rodrigo Perez


Jill Pattinson · 6 months ago

Great to see pictures or your treks and climbs so far

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