Ecuador Volcanoes 7th September Expedition News

Ecuador Volcanoes 7th September Expedition News

Leader: Rodrigo

17th September 2024 - Cotopaxi Ascent

Today the team have made an ascent of Cotopaxi.

17th September 2024 - Cotopaxi Summit Success

Rodrigo sent a message through today to say that Gerogios, Joao, Alexander and Adam reached the summit of Cotopaxi today. Duncan reached 5700m, but then decided to head back down. Stephen made the decision to wait at the refuge for the team.

16th September 2024 - Rest Day

A good sleep and nice breakfastat the farm to help recover from some long days. A little trip out during the day for lunch and to pick up some supplies.

14th September 2024 - Cayambe

Unfortunatley today was the first time we experienced bad weather, there were very strong winds that pevented us climbing up to the glacier to practise glacier skills. We spent part of the day learning knots and rope skills from Rodrigo.
Into the evening the wind had died down so we went to bed early hopeful that we would have the chance to start the climb at midnight. Unfortunately, the wind picked up again during the night and this was not possible. We waited until 6am to make the climb up to the glacier and practise the glacier skills. Despite a bit of disapointment not being able to attempt the summit we had some fun practising the glacier skils with Rodrigo, Mauro and Pancho. Again we were greeted by incredible views, even spotting Chimborazo in the distance.

13th September 2024 - Otavalo to Cayambe refuge

After a good night sleep and a nice breakfast we went for a little walk around Otavalo and its market. After this we moved onto the Cayambe refuge.
For a bit of extra aclimitisation the group walked the last 350m to the refuge, on the way up there were incredible views of the glacier.

12th September 2024 - Illinizas Norte Conquered

Yesterday the team climbed their second peak Illinizas Norte.

Perfect wether again for the hike up to the refuge and the following day to the summit. After a cold night in the refuge the group were up at 5am ready to make the climb at first light. Many steep sections of loose rock / sand with big exposure and a final steep section scrambling rocks the whole group made it up to the summit feeling good. We were greeted by clear skies and incredible views at the top. Great work again by Rodrigo and also Mauro to guide us safely to the summit.

9th September 2024 - Pasochoa Climbed.

Adam has emailed an update on how the team are getting on in Ecuador.

All of the group arrived as planned and are getting on well. Rodrigo welcomed us at the airport has been a great local guide and mountain leader so far.

On the first day a few of us went into Quito to see the old city and climb to the top of the cathedral.

Today we successfully made it to the summit of Pasochoa. All of the group were feeling good with the altitude and we had a nice lunch on the summit. The weather was perfect and we were lucky enough to see some Condors overhead whilst walking up.

6th September 2024 - Ready for Adventure

The team will depart for Quito tomorrow.

About Jenna Raven

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