Kyajo Ri 5th October 2024 Expedition News Page

Kyajo Ri 5th October 2024 Expedition News Page

Leader: Di Gilbert

21st October 2024 - Summit Success!

Time has no meaning when living in the hills and much has happened since the bakery tour came to an end. Kyajo Ri is like no other trekking peak I have done previously. She is remote, quiet and has a serious feel around her.

With challenging underfoot conditions, and 3 camps above base camp it required the team to dig deep to make successful progress up her rocky flanks. But, in the early hours of Friday, Myself (Di), Chris, Marek, Phu Ringee, Pemba, Da Senga and Sonam stood on the summit of a beautiful peak - a first ascent for us all.

Meantime the rest of the team have been having their own adventures at lower elevations with monastery celebrations and cultural experiences.

There is much to reflect on the past 10 days as we adjust back to civilisation, busy trails and the obligatory coffee and cake.

Summit Success on Kyajo Ri

10th October 2024 - Di's High Altitude Bakery Tour

Another bakery.

We have left the hustle and bustle of the main EBC trail and had a short days trekking to Khunde. We probably spent more time consuming coffee and cake than walking today.

To stretch out the day we included 3 culture stops en route: the Ed Hilary Centre, the Sherpa Culture Museum and the Khumjung Monastery where the famous yeti skull can be seen.

Our porters were treated to coffee and cake too, so will now by buzzing for the rest of the day with sugar rotting their teeth - they seemed to enjoy this rare luxury.

We are now leaving the 4G zone as we enter the remote hidden valley of the Thesebu Khola and home for the next phase.

The Bakery Edition

9th October 2024 - Namche

A beautiful day in the Sherpa capital as we walk up to the Everest View for non shabby views of the Khumbu valley.

Meanwhile our climbing Sherpa Phurinjee and our cook Angmu have started up to base camp with our yak train.

An afternoon of eating cake awaits.

Namche Night life and amazing views


8th October 2024 - The team are in Namche!

We are in Namche!

It’s been a whirlwind up until now but the team are quickly finding their trekking legs.

We opted to avoid the overland option and flew from Kathmandu to Lukla, followed by the trek down to Phakding.

Today, we plodded our way up to Namche and are now getting well and truly stuck into coffee and cake. Our climbing Sherpas are catching us up and as we enjoy a day in town tomorrow, they will move with our yak train towards base camp.

The weathers been kind to us, overcast but dry, with a sporadic gentle breeze.

4th October 2024 - Ready for Departure.

Tomorrow the team fly to Kathmandu and after making their final preparations, they willmake their way to Lukla to begin their 5 day trek to base camp.

Di Gilbert

About Di Gilbert

Di Gilbert works full time as an Independent Mountaineering Instructor, based in the Cairngorm National Park. She has never had a proper job and it is unlikely that this will change now. Di has stood on the bottom of the world without falling off, she has stood on top of the world without suffering from vertigo, she has climbed the world's 7 summits and completed all 282 Munros.

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