Lhotse Expedition 2024

Lhotse Expedition 2024

Leader: Robin Beadle

15th May 2024 - Back Safe at Base Camp

The team have now arrived back at base camp after their successful summit bid and the first stunning images from their summit day have come through. I expect there will be some big celebrations tonight!

13th May 2024 - Summit Success on Lhotse

Robin has messaged to say they were all succesful on their ascent and the group are very happy. They are now resting at High Camp and will descend to Camp 2 tomorrow. Well done to all the team!

13th May 2024 - Summit Success on Lhotse

This morning the team made their summit ascent and reached the summit around 8am this morning. They are now back at the high camp. We are waiting for an update from Robin to find out how things went and where they will descend to today.

7th May 2024 - Summit Plans Are In Place

Robin and the team plan to head back up to Camp 2 in the early hours of tomorrow morning. The winds are low for the next few days, so they are planning to potentially have some rest days at Camp 2 to ready themselves for the summit push.

6th May 2024 - Resting at Base Camp

Robin called today from Base Camp after their frist rotation on the mountain. He said some of the threaterning Serac blocks in the ice fall appear to have now collapsed, making the route a bit safer for the next rotation. Due to the lean conditions and warm conditions, rockfall on the Lhotse face, heading to Camp 3, is the main concern now. On the next rotation they plan to move in the early hours while things are still frozen, to reduce this risk.

The hope is the ropes will be fixed for Lhotse summit by the 10th May. Robin is currently planing to head back up on the 8th May with the current plan to summit on the 12th May. The winds are looking good for this time, with some precipitation lower down on the mountain.

2nd May 2024 - Acclimatisation at Camp 2

Yesterday, Jack awoke having difficulties in breathing. He was put on oxygen and after being checked by a doctor, it was deemed necessary to initiate an evacuation. Unfortuntely, the strong winds at the altitude of Camp 2 stopped the helicopter from being able to extricate him, so the team had to wait it out until early this morning for the winds to subside. The team were really sad to see Jack having to leave, but they are glad to hear he is now recovering in Kathmandu.

Today Pete and Robin went for a leg stretch to the bottom of the Lhotse face and then returned to Camp 2. Tomorrow they plan to head up to Camp 3.

30th April 2024 - Team at Camp 2

Yesterday, the team made their way through the Khumbu icefall for the first time. It's fair to say this required a monumnetal effort from Jack. For sighted people it's a big enough challenge in itself, but for someone who does not have the ability of sight, like Jack, then to say it is an amazing achievment is a very big understatement. Only two other blind people in the world have succefully made ascents through the icefall in a bid to climb Everest. Jack battled through all the difficulties that this years very problematic icefall could throw at him and arrived at Camp 1 twelve hours later. A very big well done to all the team.

Today the team had the easier day from Camp 1 up through the relatively flat basin of the Western Cwm to Camp 2, which is in effect an Advance Base Camp, with the luxuries of a mess tent and cook. Despite the altitude of 6500m, they will enjoy the benefits of a rest day and take stock of what they have all ahcieved.

20th April 2024 - Fixed Line Practice at Lobuche

Today the team have been practicing ascending and descending fixed lines, near to Pyramid Lodge, in readiness for their ascent of Lobuche. They also met out Everest team who arrived at Lobuche today. They will all head up to Lobuche High Camp tomorrow.

19th April 2024 - Team in Lobuche

The team had a blue sky day trekking up to Lobuche, having lunch at Dhugla and visiting the memorials above Dhugla.

18th April 2024 - Team at Dingboche

The team have made their acclimatisation walk on the ridge behind Dingboche today. Robin says the team are strong and moving well, they reached a height of 5106m today. Tomorrow they will trek to Lobuche village.

16th April 2024 - Busy Day Out & About Above Namche

Yesterday, Robin and the team really made the most of their acclimatisation day above Namche. They went to the visitors centre above Namche, had lunch at the Army Barracks, where Yogi's (trekking guide) brother is commanding officer. They then visited the village of Khumnjung before heading back to Namche for another night.

15th April 2024 - Acclimatising at Namche

Yesterday, the team reached the Sherpa market town of Namche Bazaar. Today they are acclimatising above Namche and if it's clear will be rewarded with the first views of their objective Lhotse, along with views of Everest, Nuptse and Ama Dablam.

Waiting for the Yak train to cross one of the 5 bridges on the way to Namche from Phakding and then crossing the bridge

Water Powered Prayer Wheel in Namche

Receiving Rice Wine with the Meal in Namche

13th April 2024 - Arrival at Lukla

This morning the team made the dramtic flight to Lukla. They are currently having lunch at Chaurikharka and will then carry on to Phakding this afternoon.

Below is part of the Buddhist blessing they received at Phakding

12th April 2024 - Team in Kathmandu

Robin and the team arrived in Kathmandu yesterday. Robin's flight was slightly delayed, but met Pete and Jack at the hotel. Kit checks performed, and then out for a meal. Today, they are heading to the supermarket to buy supplies and goodies for their expedition.

8th April 2024 - Ready For The Off

The team will depart the UK on the 10th April. After making their final preparations, then weather permitting, they will aiim to fly to Lukla.

Robin Beadle

About Robin Beadle

Robin is an IFMGA and British Mountain Guide, and was involved with Adventure Peaks’ Alpine courses from their inception. He has led professional and private expeditions to South America, Africa, Indonesia, Central Asia, Antarctica, the Arctic and the Himalaya. He has summitted Everest as a guide for Adventure Peaks, together with 6 clients and 5 Sherpas. Robin is a regular Adventure Peaks  leader, and recently successfully led our first expedition to Lhotse.


paul marron · 10 months ago

Well done everyone dont drink to much back at Namche Ha HA

Judi Bell · 10 months ago

Woo hoo!!! Amazing news!! Congratulations!! ??❤️ hope everyone is well and I’m praying for a safe descent x

Sam Briscoe · 10 months ago

Congratulations Pete and team. So happy your achieved summit. Take it easy on the descent xx

Sam Briscoe · 10 months ago

Congratulations Pete and team. So happy your achieved summit. Take it easy on the descent xx

Judi Bell · 10 months ago

Woo hoo! Congratulations on making Camp 3!! This is the highest Pete has ever climbed so this is an achievement in itself :-) hopefully the snow made the Lhotse face climb a bit easier. Stay safe everyone - love to Pete Bell please xx

Judi Bell · 10 months ago

Congratulations for making it safely through the Khumbu ice fall again! Glad to see you at Camp 2. :-) have a good rest xx

Judi Bell · 10 months ago

So sad to hear that Jack fell poorly :-( he was doing so well :-( please give him our best wishes - I know Pete will really miss him :-(

Judi Bell · 10 months ago

Good luck tonight guys navigating Khumbu. Thinking about you, go carefully & wishing you a safe arrival at Camp 1 x

Paul Marron · 10 months ago

All the best to you and your team, jelously watching from home Cheers Paul

Leigh Garner · 11 months ago

Good luck everyone
Take care Jack
Love mum Ivan grandma grandad and family x

Sue saunders · 11 months ago

Tracking your progress Pete good luck!

Nigel Graham · 11 months ago

Good hear everyone made it to Lukla, make sure Pete Bell doesn’t steal all of Jacks treats please… he has form!

Judi Bell · 11 months ago

Thanks for the update - so relieved the Lukla flight went to plan. Good luck everyone! Love to Pete Bell xx

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