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Mera & Island Peak 29th October 2022
Leader: Jordan Cawar
Follow Jordan and the team here:
Jordan messaged to say that he and Rosie reached the summit of Island Peak on the 19th. Mike made it to 5683m before deciding to head back down to base camp. Anil decided not to set off from high camp and descended with Janga.
Jordan and the team successfully traversed the Amphulapsa pass yesterday. At the top of the pass they were rewarded of views of their next objective, Island Peak. The team descended to Imja Tsho, the lake next to Island Peak, and finally reached Island Peak base camp yesterday afternoon.
Today they are on a rest day, so a final bit of relaxing and sorting of kit before they head up to high camp tomorrow, ready for a sumit bid on Saturday the 19th November.
Early on Saturday the 12th of November the team reached the summit of Mera Peak. Photos will follow once the team are back to the world of wifi. The team are on their way over the Ambulachpcha pass to Island Peak.
As our cook Sharki keeps reminding us, 24 hour Dal Bhat power!
With bellies always full, the team has made good pace up to Khare today at 4900m. Some members even opted for a short walk up to 5200m after lunch.
The views here are spectacular at the base of the Mera la, writing this we are drinking tea eye level with local eagles ?
Tomorrow the team will spend time refreshing their skills onthe fixed lines.
Jordan called this morning to report they reached Poyan. Then today they walked from Poyan to Pangkonngma.
All is well and the team are in good spirits, helped by having fantastic weather.
The route has been at a leisurely pace. It’s a shorter day of trekking so they were about to set off a little later, enabling them to catch up on sleep.
They’ve had great views overlooking the Khare Khola and seen the first 8000m peak of the trip, Cho Oyu.
All team members have now arrived in Kathmandu and have had a well-earned night of rest. A busy start to the morning checking kit and buying any last-minute items in the crazy streets of Thamal.
Both the Mera and Island Peak team and the Kyajo Ri team have been treated with a wonderful evening of local entertainment and cuisine.
All are now weighing in their bags and are going to get a few hours sleep before our 2am departure.