Mongolia's Altai Mountains 24th August 2024 Trek News

Mongolia's Altai Mountains 24th August 2024 Trek News

Leader: Ernar

5th September 2024 - Visiting The White River Valley

Today the team have visited the White River valley. Tomorrow they will return to Ulgii and will then make their return flight back to Ulaanbaatar on the 7th September.

3rd September 2024 - Malchin Peak Attempt

We've had a message from the group to say they are having a great time in an amazing landscape. Depsite the very cold winds the group made an attempt on Mlachin Peak today, but didn't quite get the summit. They plan to trek down to Tsagaan gol later this afternoon.

27th August 2024 - Arrival in Ulaanbaatar

The team arrived safely in Ulaanbaatar, although Richard accidentally left his travel wallet at the airport while exchanging some money. Fortunately, when the group returned to the airport this morning for their domestic flight, the wallet had been handed in, much to Richard's relief.

24th August 2024 - Ready to Depart

Join us as we follow the team on their journey deep into the "Wild West" of Mongolia, exploring glaciers and snow-capped peaks.

About Jenna Raven


Bridget Robson · 3 weeks ago

Wow you have all made great progress. A huge well done!
Sending lots of love and hugs all round xxx

Jo Abbott · 4 weeks ago

Well done team
Pleased you arrived ok and that Richard got his wallet back !
Safe trekking and enjoy the adventure 😁

Bridget Robson · 4 weeks ago

This is great to see. Pleased Richard’s wallet was found. I’m going to follow your journey 😀 xx good luck x

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