Mount Kazbek 2nd August 2024 Expedition News.

Mount Kazbek 2nd August 2024 Expedition News.

Leader: Bekar

7th August 2024 - Making Good Progress

The team arrived in Stepantsminda in the early afternoon of the 3rd of August and stretched their legs by walking up to the Trinity Church. The following day, they moved up to the Altihut where they will be staying for a few nights while acclimatising. On Monday, they walked up to 3650m on the SE Ridge of Ortsveri Peak, and yesterday they moved up to the Betlemi Hut in the morning and walked up to the church above the hut at 4000m. The weather has been very mixed for the team, but they are planning to make their summit bid tomorrow, as it is looking the best day despite it being windy.

1st August 2024 - Ready For Adventure

The team will depart for Tbilisi tomorrow. Donall will be arriving tomorrow and meeting the rest of the group on Saturday morning, ready for the transfer to Stepantsminda.

Stu Peacock

About Stu Peacock

Stu Peacock is a very experienced high altitude mountaineer who has been to the Summit of Everest, Broad Peak, Cho Oyu, Manaslu and climbed on K2. His other expeditions include: Ama Dablam, Peak Lenin, Aconcagua, Khan Tengri, Tien Shan Unclimbed, Korzhenevskaya, Himlung Himal, Baruntse, Mera & Island Peak, Alpamayo, Bolivian Peaks, Spantik, Carstensz Pyramid, Elbrus, Mt Kenya and Kilimanjaro. He was the first Brit to summit Everest via the North Ridge 3 times and has climbed Everest from both the North & South sides.

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