Mount Toubkal 7th September 2024

Mount Toubkal 7th September 2024

Leader: Mohammed

12th September 2024 - Success on Mount Toubkal

Jan has messaged today, to say that the team have reached the summit in perfect blue skies. Well done to all and a safe journey back down.

Later Jan messaged with the following update on the day - Today it's going to happen, the summit of Mount Toubkal. Due to the nice weather it was incredibly busy with people who wanted to go to the summit. That's why we only left the base camp at 3207m at 06:00. During the climb this turned out to be a good choice because it wasn't busy on the route to the top. When we arrived at the plateau we had a short break and the last part of the route was clearly visible. Three hours later, at 09:00, the entire team was standing in the lovely sunshine but chilly wind on the summit 4167m.

11th September 2024 - Trek to Mouflons

On the 3rd day of trekking we left early in the morning from the Lipiney hut at 3050m to reach the shoulder of the Aguelzim via a steep zig-zagging path. From there it was a short climb to the summit of the Aguelzim at 3650m from where tomorrow's goal 'Mount Toubkal' was also clearly visible. After a short break at the local soft drink seller the path was continued down to the Toubkal base camp at 3207m.

10th September 2024 - Trek to Lipiney

On the 2nd day of trekking we went from the mountain village of Tizi Oussem (1900m) into the Toubkal National Park. Via the beautiful Ihroulidene waterfalls we walked to the Lipiney hut at 3050m where we spent the night in a hut camp after another delicious meal. The hut is located on the Tazarhart plateau with a magnificent view of the route already covered. The weather was so nice that in the distance you could even see the desert.

9th September 2024 - Trek to Tizi Oussem

Jan has said they have had a great days trekking today and the weather has been beautiful.

8th September 2024 - Thunderstorm Delays

Last night, Jan & Harald's flight had to divert to Casablanca, while a storm raged over Marrakech. They finally arrived at 23:30hrs. Despite the delay the weather is starting to look more favourable for the group.

Stu Peacock

About Stu Peacock

Stu Peacock is a very experienced high altitude mountaineer who has been to the Summit of Everest, Broad Peak, Cho Oyu, Manaslu and climbed on K2. His other expeditions include: Ama Dablam, Peak Lenin, Aconcagua, Khan Tengri, Tien Shan Unclimbed, Korzhenevskaya, Himlung Himal, Baruntse, Mera & Island Peak, Alpamayo, Bolivian Peaks, Spantik, Carstensz Pyramid, Elbrus, Mt Kenya and Kilimanjaro. He was the first Brit to summit Everest via the North Ridge 3 times and has climbed Everest from both the North & South sides.

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