Peak Lenin expedition. Departed August 11


An impressive introduction to The World of 7000m Peaks

Leader: Chris Mothersdale
Peak Lenin expedition details and book online

Team: Peter C, Peter E, Peter W, Jonathan H

24th Aug – Chris has called in today to update us on the teams progress. Peter C decidced to stay at Camp 2 on the final summit bid. Chris, Peter E & Peter W moved up to Camp 3 at 6400m on the 21st Aug and planned to start out for the summit at 5am. When the time came the winds were very strong, so the tema decided to stall their start until the winds had abaitied. At 8:15am they set out for the summit, The weather was perfect for them. Peter E reached a height of 6625m before deciding to call it a day. Leaving Chris and Peter W to battle on up. Finally they reached the summit at 2:15pm. They then descended and cleared down to Camp 2 reaching the camp at 7:15pm. A fantastic effort by all. The team are now down at base camp and will arrive back in Bishkek on the 26th. They will fly home on the 28th Aug.

20th Aug – Jon has decided to come home and is currently on his way back to the UK.

18th Aug – Jon’s phoned to report that, although he is back at Base Camp as he has a stomach bug, the rest of the team and Chris are fit and well and have begun their long summit bid. They’re at Camp 1 (5400m) right now, they have a decent weather window and are proposing to head up, make another camp at around 6400m, then make their attempt at the summit on Sunday or Monday. After leaving BC we won’t be hearing from them until they’re back down (poss. 6 days) as the reception for satt. phones is terrible. All of us at Adventure Peaks wish them a safe and successful summit bid.

17th Aug – We have a received an email in saying that they will be going to the summit tomorrow (18th August).  Good luck to the team, we will post more news when we next hear from them

16th Aug – We haven’t heard from the team for a while, it’s believed the northerly aspect of the mountain and corrie features of the route are preventing the sat phone from receiving a decent enough signal to make calls, because of this it’s unlikely we will hear any more until the team are back down at base camp.

9th Aug – The team have now arrived at base camp and all the team are fine. So begins the hard work of stoking the camps with food and acclimatizing.

8th Aug – Sadly John C had to cancel the day before flying due to a knee injury. The rest of the team arrived safely into Bishkek and bought the necessary provisions for the mountain. Today they fly to Osh where they will meet the 23rd July team and no doubt share their experiences over a beer.

Peak Lenin at 7134m is the third highest mountain in the former Soviet Union and is situated in the Pamirs range of Kyrgyzstan.

21st July – The team will depart for Bishkek on the 6th August.


Chris Mothersdale

About Chris Mothersdale

Chris Mothersdale has been climbing in the UK, Europe and across the world over a number of decades.  He started rock climbing in Yorkshire on Gritstone before taking on larger objectives both in the UK and abroad.  Rock climbing progressed to Ice Climbing in Scotland before climbing in the Greater Ranges in Europe, Africa, South and North America and Asia. Mountaineering has enabled him to climb on every continent and to explore many of the  the wonders of the world.



Ian Ellis · 14 years ago

Great effort guys, It looks like the high camp paid dividends. Pretty tough mountain!


jim king · 14 years ago

how is the team doing how far are they up mountain jk

Claire Ellis · 14 years ago

Ask Pete how the jokes is he?

james king · 14 years ago

good luck to all the party especially my mate peter cornfield

james king · 14 years ago

friend of peter cornfield wish him & rest of the party good luck keep in touch jk

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