Peak Lenin Expedition 12th August 2017

Peak Lenin Expedition
12th August – 5th September 2017
Expedition Leader: Stu Peacock

1st September

The group are now down in Osh enjoying some sightseeing before flights home. Stu has sent in some great photos from the mountain.

28th August

Summit Success ! Stu called from camp 4  to say that despite a cold and windy start to the night the team made the summit of Peak Lenin. Congratulations to Stu, Kent, Jane and Andre.  They were the only team to summit today and are sure it was because we used the additional camp 4.

26th August

Stu called in to say that the team will move to camp 4 tomorrow and then attempt the summit 28th to make the best of the weather window that has appeared.

23rd August

The team spent a windy snowy night at 6100m, and yesterday was a hard day descending in the heat of the frying pan from Camp 3 to ABC. Today and tomorrow are rest days as the team begin to watch the weather and look towards their summit bid.

21st August

Stu called today to say that the team are doing well. Despite strong cold winds, our plucky adventurers have made it to Camp 3 at 6100m. We will sleep here for 1 night then head back down to the comfort of ABC.

14th August

The team are now all safely at basecamp and making preparations to move further up the mountain.

13th August

Team minus Christian out in Osh before heading to base camp

Find out more about our Peak Lenin Expedition here

Stu Peacock

About Stu Peacock

Stu Peacock is a very experienced high altitude mountaineer who has been to the Summit of Everest, Broad Peak, Cho Oyu, Manaslu and climbed on K2. His other expeditions include: Ama Dablam, Annapurna IV, Peak Lenin, Aconcagua, Khan Tengri, Tien Shan Unclimbed, Korzhenevskaya, Himlung Himal, Baruntse, Mera & Island Peak, Alpamayo, Bolivian Peaks, Spantik, Carstensz Pyramid, Elbrus, MtArarat, Mexican Volcanoes, Mt Kenya and Kilimanjaro. He was the first Brit to summit Everest via the North Ridge 3 times and has climbed Everest from both the North & South sides.


John Robson · 8 years ago

Congratulations on yet another successful summit. Best wishes for a safe journey home

Steve Marin · 8 years ago

Very best luck Stu and the team

Johannes jørgensen · 8 years ago

All the Best to the team

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