Peak Lenin expedition - July '15

Peak Lenin

Team leader and updates: Mark Riley
Read full expedition info and book online

Next expedition to Peak Lenin: June 2016

18th July
The team will take their international flights to Bishkek in Kyrgyzstan then fly on to Osh

19th July
Most of the group arrived in Osh this morning complete with bags, Keegan will join us this afternoon after his connecting flight was delayed. We’ve been shopping in the bazaar for fruit and nuts and will head off by road tomorrow for Base Camp.

23rd July
Mark sent in a quick update to say the team are doing well and have completed their acclimatisation walk and are heading up to Advanced Base Camp now.

24th July
We are now at Advanced Base Camp and have been practising Crevasse rescue skills and completing our acclimatisation walks. Yesterday was a carry up to Camp 2 which went well and the team are all feeling good.

We’ve got excellent team moral and have been enjoying some typical Lake District weather here with rain and low clouds so not brilliant view over the last 2 days. We did get a view of Peak Lenin over the first couple of days but nothing since then.

28th July
The majority of the group are currently at Camp 2, and will undertaking a load carry up to Camp 3 today. Tom has remained at ABC today having had a poor night’s sleep, but has plenty of time to recover and catch up with the rest of the team. The weather has been crystal clear and sunny in the morning, but rain has come in later in the afternoon.

30th July
The team and Mark are all at Advanced Base Camp at the moment enjoying a rest day and hoping for a good weather window before going back up.

It has snowed for the last 3 days, very heavily 2 nights ago and lighter since then. The cloud base is where they are now so they cannot see higher up the mountain at the moment. Everyone is tired but well and in good spirits and Rachel sends a message to Alice, ‘Happy Birthday Alice, see you soon!’
The next update will likely be from Camp 2.

4th Aug
The team continued to experience poor weather with heavy afternoon snow falls. Having received the latest weather forecast the team decided it was not feasible to make a summit bid. Plans were made to recover equipment from the high camp and a descent was made to base camp. The group are now safe at BC.

5th Aug
The team have arrived in Osh after a very warm transfer,  and are relaxing before their flight back to Bishkek tomorrow.


Peak Lenin

Mark Riley

About Mark Riley

Mark is a highly qualified Summer and Winter Mountain leader. With huge amounts of experience of mountaineering in the Caucasus, the Alps, Scotland and the lake district, as well as extensive fell walking in the Northumbrian hills.


Edryd · 10 years ago

Hope you're high on the mountain Rachel and all is going well.looking forward to seeing you in Chamonix to hear all about it.jane and I have just returned from a weekend in Tenby so a lot of ironing to do from the cottages but it's ok she sent it on to Nigel

Nigel J-F · 10 years ago

I guess it is summit day any day. We're all thinking of you and hoping the weather creates a window for you - and that you all make it. I'm afraid the iron keeps on burning all the difficult things to iron so I've had to leave quite a bit for you tee he, but I managed to iron the towels!

Edryd · 10 years ago

Hi Rachel Seems tough but I'm sure you'll show them . happy birthday Alice from Edryd & Jane

Nigel J-F · 10 years ago

Hi Rachel. What's all this about a rest day? No rest days here, you should see the pile of washing to be done and the ironing from last week still waiting for a volunteer. We all hope you are feeling good and motivated; please bring some motivation back as I'm not convinced the ironing will have been done. Zana (Head of Cleaning) went to Maddy's yesterday, Alice (Head of Cooking) had her 17th birthday on the beach with a BBQ and we just Skyped Monty who has been offered more work at Lotus F1 but is looking forward to coming home on Saturday. We're watching your progress avidly and wish you good luck, good weather and good health.

kath · 10 years ago

Hi Rach , Keep strong and enjoy every minute. Love you Kath xx

Nigel J-F · 10 years ago

Hi Rachel, all is well, the girls are fine (Alice having her belly-button pierced on Saturday!) and Monty had a fab time in Cornwall. Good luck with all those tough men; show them your girl power. Ciao.

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