Climb the world's highest active volcano. Located South of Quito, Ecuador's capital city, Cotopaxi, a beautifully shaped stratovolcano, rises majestically out of the surrounding lush green landscape.
This is an ideal first expedition that combines the opportunity to develop winter and alpine skills with climbing some wonderful snowcapped peaks that reach over 6000m!
Lobuche is a beautiful mountain ideal for those people who have been on expeditions such as Kilimanjaro or Elbrus, or have climbed in the Alps and are looking for their next expedition to tackle their first Himalayan Peak.
The highest of Nepal's Trekking Peaks - At 6476m Mera Peak is the highest 'trekking peak' suitable for anyone with little or no previous experience of using an ice axe and crampons but have a high level of fitness.
Just sixty meters lower than Aconcagua, Ojos del Salado can be found on the edge of the Atacama Desert (the driest spot on earth). It is the world’s highest volcano and one of the seven continental volcanic summits.
This expedition offers the opportunity to climb the highest volcano in the North America, along with two other volcanoes, in just 11 days! Pico de Orizaba is a Volcanic Seven Summit.
Join us to raise money for Caring Matters Now. This expedition offers the opportunity to climb the highest volcano in the North America, along with two other volcanoes, in just 11 days! Pico de Orizaba is a Volcanic Seven Summit.
To climb Mount Elbrus from the South is an exhilarating expedition via sweeping snow slopes to the col between Mt Elbrus’ twin summits before continuing easily to the true summit. A great mountain to climb after Kilimanjaro and as a lead up to Aconcagua.
Lobuche Peak is a beautiful mountain ideal for those people who have been on Kilimanjaro or Elbrus or have climbed in the alps and are looking for their next expedition to perhaps tackle their first Himalayan Peak. We approach the mountain via the main Everest Trail, visit Everest Base Camp for acclimatisation and then climb Lobuche Peak 6119m via one camp.