Unclimbed Peaks and Khan Tengri 19th July 2014

unnamed (7)

Leader and Updates: Christian Harling

View Unclimbed Peaks and Khan Tengri details and book online

10th August: Chris has sent a text to say Matt wasn’t feeling great so they have decided to abandon their summit bid and are now heading down to base camp.

8th August: Chris and Matt are now camped at Chapiev Shoulder. The weather is now fairly calm and they are planning to have a rest day tomorrow. Phil has stayed at BC with a bit of a bug.

1st August: Chris has sent through his summary from the Unclimbed Peaks  – We did 6 new summits 5 of these were the more remote heavily glaciated peaks up to 4600m which was especially satisfying. The group put in a lot of effort on some long days with early starts and this has been very rewarding. Mixed weather from cloudless still skies to high winds, hail, thunder storms and low cloud with prolonged rain. Base camp was idyllic and we had great staff and were well fed by our cook Ellia. She also took some of the guys out last night in Bishkek – hope they survived!!

Phil and I waiting in Karokol at a lovely hotel for our transport to Maidadir and have just heard we should be picked up at 1pm to go to Maidadir and fly to Khan Tengri Base Camp tomorrow morning.

27th July: Chris sent a brief message today to let us know that the team are all well and have summitted 5 new peaks so far! Well done to you all!

20th July: Chris has emailed to say all the team have all safely arrived into Bishkek. All the preparations have been made and the kit is packed on the truck ready for departure at 9am Kyrgyz time. Bishkek is very hot at the moment so the team are making the most of the air conditioned hotel.

19th July: The Team are departing for the Kyrgyz Republic today and will arrive in Bishkek tomorrow.  There they will buy the majority of their snacks etc before heading to Karakol where they will make their final preparations.

Chris Harling

About Chris Harling

Chris Harling has over 21 years experience teaching a wide range of outdoor activities. He is a qualified teacher and member of several National Governing Bodies including the Association of Mountaineering Instructors. He is a trainer and assessor for the Mountain Leader and the Single Pitch Awards and is qualified to teach Summer and Winter mountaineering. His vast climbing and mountaineering experience has taken him to six continents, including Himalayan expeditions. Chris has climbed Mt. Everest via the North Ridge twice with Adventure Peaks.


Andrew S · 10 years ago

Hi Phil, we spent together some time in cosmopolitan karakol and unforgettable parties in Chantengri BC and karakol Base as well..I hpe you remember our Czech Climbing Team. I suppose you are already back in the UK.. I just put your name to google (to fulfill long hours in the office)..and suceeded with the first shot...unbelievable.. Jan (El Diablo, Lukas)

Andrew S · 10 years ago

Matt. I trust you are doing Ok- bad luck on not feeling great. Be safe on decent. David

Andrew S · 10 years ago

Good luck to Phil Harris and the team on their once in a lifetime adventure. Many celebrations when you return!

Andrew S · 10 years ago

Hey Matthew hope your enjoying your trip to the Tien Shan! Happy Birthday for today. We will all celebrate with you on your return...from all of us on this side.

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